Connect Salesforce With Help Scout - Help Scout Support
Description: The Salesforce integration keeps teams working in Help Scout and Salesforce connected about customer communications across systems. There are two sides to the i
Content: Connect Salesforce With Help ScoutThe Salesforce integration keeps teams working in Help Scout and Salesforce connected about customer communications across systems. There are two sides to the integration: the Help Scout app (pulls in data from Salesforce) and the Salesforce app (pulls in data from Help Scout to show in a Visualforce component).You can use the Help Scout app without installing the Salesforce app, but you must install the Help Scout app to be able to use the Salesforce Visualforce components on the Salesforce side.The Salesforce integration is included with the Plus and Pro plans.In this articleFeaturesRequirementsInstall the Help Scout AppInstall the Salesforce AppRemove the AppsFeaturesHelp Scout AppThe Help Scout app is customizable in Help Scout after installation at Manage > Apps >Salesforce.One-way customer sync from Salesforce to Help Scout: When you selectSync Profilein the integration settings, Help Scout will perform a one-way sync of customer profile data from Salesforce into Help Scout based on customer email address.Pull data from Salesforce: The Salesforce section in the sidebar on a conversation can display lots of data from Salesforce, which is customizable.Three types of records will show — Account, Contact and Lead records. Help Scout will lookup all records associated with the customer's email address and add them to the sidebar. You'll see a dropdown and can select the record you want to view in the sidebar if more than one record is found.Fields (default and custom ones) associated with the record will display according to your settings.You'll be able to view up to five types of data, depending on the record type that's selected. These are:Open Activities (includes tasks)Activity History (includes tasks)OpportunitiesCasesOrdersThe screenshot below demonstrates what the sidebar view might look like — remember which fields will display is up to you.Conversation ActivityThe Help Scout app can also write two events to Salesforce Lead, Contact, or Opportunity activity history: a new conversation or a new rating. Enable these events at Manage > Apps >Salesforcein Help Scout.Salesforce AppYou'll be able to view Help Scout Conversations on four types of records in Salesforce: Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Opportunities. The conversation displays in a Visualforce component that you'll add to the record types you choose. Note that this does notwritedata to those records, but allows you to see the conversation history direct from Help Scout.The Visualforce component will perform a lookup of all email addresses associated with the record (Account, Contact, Lead, and/or Opportunity) and load a view of relevant conversation history whenever you open a record with the component.RequirementsHelp Scout Plus or Pro plan.Salesforce Sales Cloud Professionalwith the Web Services API add-on,Enterprise or Unlimited.Install the Help Scout AppThis section outlines how to set up the Help Scout app to show Salesforce data in the sidebar in Help Scout conversations, as well as allowing Help Scout to sync profile data and send activities to Salesforce.1Head toManage > Apps >Salesforcein Help Scout. ClickInstall App.Log in to Salesforce if you're prompted to, and clickAllowto give Help Scout access to Salesforce.2Select which Inboxes to include and what data to display in the Help Scout customer sidebar back in the Help Scout app atManage > Apps >Salesforce. You can come back here any time to edit these settings later.Under Conversation Activity, you have the option of writing new conversations and/or new satisfaction ratings to specific Salesforce records (Leads, Contacts, and/or Opportunities), and can choose whether or not to create a new Lead if the current contact/account does not yet exist.Select the fields to show in the Help Scout sidebar on theFieldstab. The integration will pull in the standard Salesforce fields as well your organization's custom fields.That's it! Help Scout will now display Salesforce data for your customers directly in the conversation sidebar, and will send activity and contact data based on your selections to Salesforce.If you'd like to set up the Salesforce app to also show Help Scout conversations in Salesforce as a Visualforce object, head to the next section.Install the Salesforce AppIn addition to writing new conversations and ratings to Salesforce through the Help Scout app, you can also sync full conversation data to each record in Salesforce by installing the Salesforce app. First, you'll need to install the latest Salesforce package in your company's account.1Head toManage > Apps > Salesforceif you're not already on that page. In the green box, click the link toInstall Help Scout for Salesforce. This will open a new tab in Salesforce.ChooseInstall forAll Users.ChooseYes, grant access to these third-party web sitesandContinue.You'll see a notification when the install is complete, clickDoneand skip to thesecond step for Salesforce Classic, or skip to thesecond step for Salesforce Lightning. (The steps after that are the same.)2In Salesforce Classic:In Salesforce, open an existing Account, Contact, Lead or Opportunity record and click theEdit Layoutlink.In Salesforce Lightning:Click the gear icon and chooseService Setup.A new window will open with a left navigation menu. Under the groupUser Interface, expandObjects and Fields, then clickObject Manager.Select a record type to add the object to. You can choose fromAccount,Contact,LeadorOpportunity. You'll need to add this to each one of those record types where you wish to see Help Scout conversations.Click onPage Layouts.Select the page layout you would like to add the component to. Note that the layouts you see on this screen will be the ones on your own Salesforce account, so will not show the same options the screenshots here do.3Find theSectionoption just under the Quick Find bar. Click and drag theSectionoption and drop it to the location on your record where you'd your new Visualforce component to appear. Name the sectionConversations(or whatever you prefer), select1-Columnin the Layout section, then click theOKbutton.4In the top gray box, click theQuick Savebutton.5Scroll to the bottom and selectVisualforce Pagesin the left navigation section. ChooseHelpScoutOnBLANK(BLANK being the record type you are updating) component from the options to the right. Drag and drop this component into theConversationssection you created in Step 3.6Scroll down to the Visualforce component you just created and click the wrench icon to edit the component's properties.7Set the width at 100%, and height at 600px. CheckShow scrollbars.8Click theQuick Savebutton again.9Repeat steps 2-8 for the other types of records you'd like show the Help Scout conversation history.10Head to any record (Accounts,Contacts,LeadsorOpportunities) where you've added the Visualforce component, then open theDetailstab. Scroll to the section you just added, and clickClick here to complete setupto finish. Make sure that the Help Scout User you authenticate as here has access to the Inboxes in Help Scout that contain conversations you want to show in Salesforce.Remove the Apps1To remove the Help Scout app, head toManage > Apps >Salesforceand clickUninstall App.2To remove the Salesforce app, you'll need to remove the Visualforce component from each of the record types you added it to (Account, Contact, Lead, and/or Opportunity). You'll need to click the Edit Layout link in Salesforce Classic, or head back into the Object Manager in Salesforce Lightning. SeeStep 2in the install process for help getting back to those settings.Remove the Help Scout Visualforce component by clicking thedeletebutton:Follow the same process and remove the Visualforce components for all other record types.3In Salesforce Classic, click onSetup, thenInstalled Packages. ClickUninstallnext to the Help Scout for Salesforce app.In Salesforce Lightning, clickSetup(notService Setup, but just Setup) then underPlatform ToolsclickApps > Packaging > Installed Packages. ClickUninstallnext to the Help Scout for Salesforce app.Scroll to the bottom of the next page to find the options for uninstall. Choose whether you want to save a copy of the package data for 48 hours or delete it immediately, then checkYes, I want to uninstall this package...and clickUninstall.Note: Salesforce will not let you uninstall the package if it's still in use on any layouts. It will show you an error that indicates where the Visualforce object is in use. Remove those and come back to these steps to complete the uninstall.4You'll see the package appear in theUninstalled Packagessection. Delete the uninstalled package and you're all set.
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