Style Your Message - Help Scout Support
Description: Messages, the proactive messaging feature built into Beacon, offers a number of formatting and style options so you can get creative and really catch some eyes!
Content: Style Your MessageMessages, the proactive messaging feature built into Beacon, offers a number of formatting and style options so you can get creative and really catch some eyes! Add a video or image, format the text in various ways, and greet your visitors by name. This article explains how to use Messages styling options.In this articleFormat TextInsert an Image or a VideoGreet Visitors by First NameFormat TextYou can add some styling to make your Message really pop! Highlight the text you want to format, and an action menu will appear with the options. Make your text bold, italic, or underlined and add a list or add a link.Messages can also support the following Markdown formatting and keyboard shortcuts if you'd rather style as you type:BoldWrap your text in**, or highlight the text and pressCmd+B(Ctrl+Bon Windows) on your keyboardItalicWrap your text in*, or highlight the text and pressCmd+I(Ctrl+Ion Windows)UnderlineWrap your text in++, or highlight the text and pressCmd+U(Ctrl+Uon Windows)StrikethroughWrap your text in~(tilde), or highlight the text and pressOption+Cmd+S(Alt+Ctrl+Son Windows)Link TextWrap your text in brackets and then follow it immediately with the URL in parentheses. For example,[The Help Scout Blog]( give youThe Help Scout Blog. Or highlight the text and use theCmd+K(Ctrl+Kon Windows) keyboard shortcut.BlockquoteStart a line with>(the greater than symbol) to set quoted text, or use the shortcut menu optionBlockquote.CodeWrap your text in`(backtick) for inline code snippets, or chooseCodefrom the shortcut menu to use a code block.Bulleted ListType-or*to start a bulleted list or chooseBulleted listin the shortcut menu.Numbered start a numbered list or chooseNumbered listin the shortcut menu.Insert an Image or a VideoType a slash/or click the plus sign in the bottom right corner of your message body to open the shortcut menu to find the options forImageorVideo.Note: You can only add one imageorone video to a single Message.Insert an ImageClick the plus sign and chooseImageto upload an image from your computer. Supported file types are JPG, PNG, BMP, or GIF, which includes animated GIFs.If you change your mind and want to remove the image, just hover over the image preview in the bottom left corner and click theXthat appears.Insert a VideoClick the plus sign and selectVideo, then paste in the URL to your video. Messages supports embedding videos hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Loom, or Wistia.If you change your mind and want to remove the video, just hover over the video title in the bottom left corner and click theXthat appears.Greet Customers by First NameUse the customer.firstName variable to speak directly to your customers when you're using Beacon's identify feature. SeeBeacon JavaScript API: Beacon(‘identify’, userObject)for more information on how your developers can implement that option if you're not using it now.Click the plus sign, selectVariable(or type a curly brace{to use the keyboard shortcut), then selectFirst Name. Type in the word you'd like to show when the first name isn't known in the field afterfallback=.In the example above, it's using(customer.firstName, fallback=there). When that Message appears, if the customer is identified and the first name is known, it will show their name. For a customer named Rashida then, it would sayHello Rashida.If the first name is unknown, it will show the wordtherein place of the name, because that is set as the fallback text.
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