Snooze Conversations - Help Scout Support

Description: NEW Snooze a conversation and set a specified date and time for the conversation to reappear with an Active Status. Snooze is available for all users on all cur

Content: Snooze ConversationsNEWSnooze a conversation and set a specified date and time for the conversation to reappear with an Active Status.Snooze is available for all users on all current plans in the Inbox experience.Not using Inbox yet? Learn how to switch from our legacy mailbox to the new Inbox here:What's New With the InboxIn this articleHow Snooze WorksTips for SuccessSnooze SettingsAbout the Later FolderHow Snooze WorksThere are three ways to initiate a snooze for a conversation:SelectSnoozefrom the header of a conversation or use the keyboard shortcutBSelectSnoozefrom the reply editorSelect one or more conversations from any inbox list view, then chooseSnoozeor use the keyboard shortcutBChoose the time you wish to reactivate the conversation. Select from the initial options or type in an exact date. Use phrases such asTomorrow,Next Week,This Friday, etc. to have the calculation done for you.Tips for SuccessAdd a note to a conversation when you snooze it to provide context to teammates on why you snoozed and what follow up looks like.Pro-tip: Tag teammates in the note if you'll need others' help.Assign conversations to the person who will need to complete the follow-up when you snooze it. Choose Me if that will be you!Snooze SettingsClick the dropdown on the right to choose how the snooze persists.If no reply— if a customer replies, the snooze is cleared. This is the default setting.Regardless— regardless of whether a customer replied, the snooze persists on the conversationIn both cases, if a customer replies to a snoozed conversation, the status changes the to Active if it's not active already.How to Clear a SnoozeOn the chosen snooze date and time the conversation reappears with an Active status if not already Active. The conversation assignment does not change.Setting a snooze on a conversation does not change the status. Change the status as needed while the conversation is in the snoozed state. It will become Active, if its not already, once the specified date and time of the snooze is reached or if a customer replies.Note: The snooze state is automatically removed if the conversation is moved to a different Inbox.You can also clear a snooze manually before the snooze time and date. The snooze button will be highlighted in purple if there is a snooze set on the conversation.1ClickSnoozeor use the keyboard shortcutB.2ClickRemove snooze.About the Later FolderAny conversations that have a snooze date and time set on them appear in the newLaterfolder. This folder is dynamic andonlyappears if a snoozed conversation or scheduled thread exists.Snoozed conversations will continue to appear in other views and folders. For example, if the conversation is Assigned to a user, it will still show in Mine for that user, and Assigned for other users.

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