Connect Shopify With Help Scout to View and Work With Orders in the Sidebar - Help Scout Support

Description: Shopify provides your business with everything needed to start selling online. You have full control over the design of your store, can accept secure payments f

Content: Connect Shopify With Help Scout to View and Work With Orders in the SidebarShopifyprovides your business with everything needed to start selling online. You have full control over the design of your store, can accept secure payments for your business, and have access to 24/7 support by phone, chat or email.Install the Shopify app for Help Scout and you'll be able to import customer contact information (email address and physical address), view key metrics (lifetime value, annual value and average order value), view full order details (including products and discounts) and refund, cancel, edit, or duplicate your customer's most recent orders right in the customer sidebar.You can also access order details or the customer's Shopify profile in a single click.Activation Instructions1Head to Manage > Apps >Shopifyin Help Scout. ClickInstall from Shopifyin the left sidebar.2ClickAdd appfrom the Shopify app store page you land on.3Choose or add the Shopify account you want to connect, then clickInstall app.4Choose the Help Scout Inboxes where you'd like to see the Shopify sidebar appear in conversations.Re-authorization InstructionsNEWTo access the refund, cancel, edit, and duplicate options, an Admin must re-authorize the Shopify connection.1In a Conversation, clickRe-authorizein the right sidebar.2ClickUpdate appfrom the Shopify app page you land on.3ClickBack to Help Scout.

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