Connect Hively With Help Scout to Gather Feedback - Help Scout Support
Description: Hively is a great way to measure customer happiness. With Hively's snippet embedded in your signature, customers can rate your response with just one click. Thi
Content: Connect Hively With Help Scout to Gather FeedbackHivelyis a great way to measure customer happiness. With Hively's snippet embedded in your signature, customers can rate your response with just one click. This article will guide you through integrating Hively with Help Scout.Activation instructions1Log in toHively. ClickConfigurationin the left navigation menu, thenIntegrations.2Select Help Scout from the list of integrations they offer.You'll need to enter the Help Scout User ID for each person who has a HivelyandHelp Scout profile.To get Help Scout User IDs, head to Manage > Users in Help Scout, and click on each user. The URL of the User Profile shows the User ID at the end of the address. For example, if the User Profile URL is, then 55555 is the User ID.ClickUpdateafter adding all User IDs.3Click on Help Scout under Your Integrations, then clickGet Helpscout snippet, thenShow HTMLorShow snippet as HTML. Copy the HTML code to your clipboard.4Head back into Help Scout and go to Manage > Apps > Hively. ClickInstall App, toggle to the HTML editor by clicking on the</>icon, then paste your signature code in to theRating Textbox. Set the rating appears in outgoing emails, and which Inboxes will use your Hively ratings link. ClickSavewhen you're done.5Toggle back to the visual editor by clicking the</>icon to see what the rating piece will look like.
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