Understanding Reports in Help Scout - Help Scout Support

Description: Now that you're well on your way to providing your customers with an excellent support experience, it's time to grab a cup of coffee and take a peek at our hand

Content: Understanding Reports in Help ScoutNow that you're well on your way to providing your customers with an excellent support experience, it's time to grab a cup of coffee and take a peek at our handyReportsfeature. Help Scout provides a handful of reports to help you get a handle on what's happening on the support front, day in and day out.In this articleReport TypesGeneral FeaturesCalculationsCommon QuestionsReport TypesYou'll find six reports (seven if you haveDocsinstalled) which can be viewed at any time via theReportsdropdown menu.All ChannelsTheAll Channelsreport shows you how much volume you're handling during a certain time period, how busy you've been, how your customers contact you, and what types of issues keep popping up.EmailTheEmailreport measures your team interactions with email messages. You'll be able to keep tabs on how well the team is performing in terms of time spent addressing and responding to email conversations.ChatTheChatreport gives you a view into your team's workload using in chat. Look here for both your team's performance and your customer's utilization of Beacon with chat.PhoneThePhonereport tracks the volume of phone conversations recorded and shows you the number of customers you're communicating with via the phone.Company and UserTheCompanyandUserreports make it very easy to get insights about how members of your team are doing. In addition to high-level metrics for each person, you can look through a user's entire conversation history for a specified time period and sort by the metrics that matter most.HappinessEnsuring your customers' happiness is every company's end goal, no? TheHappinessreport is a simple but powerful tool to help you measure just that: happiness. You'll be able to view how your team and individual users are being rated by customers and view the accompanying conversations.DocsIf you have our Docs feature installed, theDocsreport will come in handy to help you understand what your customers are searching for, what they're finding (and not finding), as well as what percentage of customers are still contacting you for help after browsing.General FeaturesConversation drilldownsIf you saw that 5% of email conversations took 2+ days to reply, you'd probably want to take a look and find out what happened. Thankfully, all of that data is just a click or two away. You can even click on single conversations and read the most recent interactions without ever leaving the page!Popover definitionsEver wonderexactlyhow a certain metric is calculated? Well, wonder no more! Simply hover over the metric name and boom! You'll get a popover definition of precisely how it's calculated. Each article linked above has a section of metrics definitions for you too.Filtering optionsViews allow you to filter data by inbox, tag, folder, custom fields, or conversation type. You can add or edit views at any time while viewing a report, and the new data will load right away. Read more about Views:Use Views to Filter Reporting Data.Calculations for the Email reportIn the past, we built reports from all conversations that were Active or updated within the time period. While this approach works well for most metrics, it's problematic for response/resolution metrics and includes conversations that can dilute the numbers.Our current logic calculates numbers from a more narrow pool of conversations. Response metrics are only calculated onrepliesduring the time period and Resolution metrics are only calculated on conversationsresolvedduring the time period.ExamplesLet's say you have three conversations:Conversation A - Created Jan 1, resolved Jan 30Conversation B - Created Jan 8, resolved Jan 9Conversation C - Created Jan 16, resolved Jan 17If you do a report for Jan 7-21, the original logic would include all three conversations when calculating the numbers, even though Conversation A wasn't created or resolved in the time period. This approach causes a lot of overlap from week to week. Moreover, if you added up the "Resolved" count for each individual week, the totals wouldn't match the monthly count.The updated logic will only include Conversations B and C in the calculations for Jan 7-21. Conversation A is not included, as it was not replied to or resolved in the time period. By filtering out long-running conversations that are reported on elsewhere, it results in lower and more accurate Response/Resolution metrics. In addition, the weekly counts add up when compared to the monthly count.Common QuestionsAm I able to export my reporting data to a CSV or XLS file?For most reports, yes. Read more here:Export Reporting Data.How often do reports update?Reports are updated inalmostreal-time. When you run a report, you're looking at the most current data, save for a 10-15 minute catch up time.Can I share a specific report link with another Help Scout team member?Sure thing! Just copy and paste the URL seen in your browser address bar after setting your criteria. As long as your team member is logged in to Help Scout, they will be able to view the exact report you're looking at, as long as they have permission toView Reports. SeeUser Roles and Permissionsfor more there.Can I modify your metrics or build my own reports to track other data?Not in the app. While we offer lots of filters, there isn't a way to customize how calculations are performed nor is there an option to build custom reports based on custom data sets.If you're looking to build your own custom reports from the raw data, you can get all of your reporting data via ourInbox API, or you might check out some integrations. More about this topic here:Export Reporting Data: Other Ways to Get Your Data.

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