Reports: Company and User - Help Scout Support

Description: We're particularly fond of the Company and User reports for one big reason: total accountability. At a glance, the Company report shows you how many customers y

Content: Reports: Company and UserWe're particularly fond of the Company and User reports for one big reason: total accountability. At a glance, the Company report shows you how many customers you're helping, as well as how many replies you're sending on average.Drill down into the User report and you're able to see every single conversation your team members have touched, along with individual productivity metrics across the board.Standard plans can report on the last 2 years of data. Plus and Pro plans can report on data for the lifetime of the account.Users with theReports: View reportspermission can view the Company and User report data for any Inboxes they can access.In this articleReport OverviewMetric DefinitionsReport OverviewHow do I measure individual performance?You'll find quite a few metrics on the User report, each capable of providing different insights. How you weigh those metrics is totally up to you and what's important for your team. These counts are pretty straightforward. Here's a quick breakdown:All Channelsis all about how many customers have been helped, and how many total conversations from all channels were handled. You'll also see which day of the week was busiest, alongside an average of conversations handled per day.Emailgives you a look at how email conversations were handled. You will see the number of replies sent and the response time, as well as resolution metrics.Chatfocuses only on the chat sessions, with the total number of chats, the wait time, duration, average number of messages per chat, and response time.Phoneshows the total number of phone conversations logged, how many were new conversations, and how many customers this affected.Happinessshows you an overall glimpse of the ratings and feedback you've received from customers. You'll also be able to view the accompanying conversations and customer name for each rating.What if I need to provide coaching on specific conversations?TheConversation Historysection shows any conversations that have hadanyactivity during your specified time period that this User has interacted with at any time. This will include any conversations this User replied to or modified during your specified time frame, as well any conversations this User has replied to or modified in the past that has some new interaction by any User or Workflow during your time frame.You'll notice some individual metrics in the table, each pertaining to that individual conversation. Click on the conversation number to load the conversation in a pop-up window.Metric DefinitionsPro-tip:Hold your mouse over the title of most metrics in reports to see a tool tip that explains that metric right in the report!Company ReportCustomers HelpedNumber of unique customers that your team has replied to, chatted with, or recorded phone notes for during the reporting timeframe; notes, status changes and assignments do not count towards this number.Conversations per DayThe average number of conversations created per day in the specified time frame.ClosedThe number of conversations closed in the specified time frame. This is not the same as Resolved, as Resolved requires a User reply. This metric simply counts conversations set to a status of Closed.Individual User or Team ReportsConversations per DayThe average number of new or updated (a reply is sent to the customer) conversations per day in the specified time frame.ClosedThe number of conversations this specific Help Scout User or Team closed in the specified time frame. Whereas Resolved requires a User reply, this metric applies to all conversations with a status of Closed.Total ConversationsAny conversations touched by any user in the time period, that the User has also touched at any time. This metric is not displayingonlythose conversations touched by the User during the given time period.If a user touches a conversation on Jan 1, then another user touches it on Jan 3, and you run a report for user 1 on Jan 3, the conversation they touched on Jan 1 will show up.There is no way to limit the history here to only conversations this user touched in this time period. It will show up if the conversation was updated in that time frame by any user.Conversation HistoryThe Conversation History section (table of conversations) includes all conversations that are reported in the Total Conversations metric.

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