Reports: All Channels - Help Scout Support
Description: The All Channels report is all about volume, but it also helps you get a handle on just how busy the help desk is. More importantly, you're able to really dive
Content: Reports: All ChannelsThe All Channels report is all about volume, but it also helps you get a handle on just how busy the help desk is. More importantly, you're able to really dive in to see what type of issues keep popping up. This article explains the metrics you'll find in the All Channels report.Standard plans can report on the last 2 years of data. Plus and Pro plans can report on data for the lifetime of the account.Users with theReports: View reportspermission can view the All Channels report data for any Inboxes they can access.In this articleReport OverviewMetric DefinitionsReport OverviewJust how much work are we really doing these days?From total conversations to your busiest day, each metric provides different insights. Why was Tuesday so busy? Was there an outage or an issue with our product? It looks like we helped a lot more customers this month than last, why was that?Do we need to shuffle support schedules a bit?Take a look at the at theBusiest time of dayheat map. Hover over a block to see how many conversations were created during that time period. You might find this helpful for hiring, or making sure that you've got extra hands on deck during peak hours of the day.How do our customers reach us?Should more of the team be available for chat or phone calls? We see a small surge of chat on Friday, why was chat more popular that day? Hover over the bars to see a breakdown of your support volume by channel type.What do our customers write in about?If you've been using tags to categorize and sort conversations, you're going to love this little table. We show you the top tags for the given time period, as well as how they're trending based on the comparison period. You can click on each tag to pull up those specific conversations.Are we seeing a change in the type of requests we're receiving?If your team has been using saved replies to answer conversations, this table will show you just how many times they've inserted a particular reply. In our example below, we can see that the team used theShipping Timeframesreply quite a few times. Maybe we need to make shipping timeframes more clear on the website? You can easily click on a saved reply to see a list of conversations where the reply was used.A note on how saved reply usage is counted: Inserting a saved reply counts for one usage, even if you customize the same reply. If you add multiple saved replies within one message, we'll count each saved reply separately. See more on this feature in general:Create and Manage Saved Replies for Fast AnswersIs there anything we could automate or route differently?In our example below, theOrder Questionsworkflow fired 33 times. That might mean that we need to be a bit more clear with our customer communications, or that the workflow is doing its job by sending a bunch of order questions to a specific team member.Metric DefinitionsWe look at a single "bucket" of conversations for all metrics in the All Channels report. If you run a report looking at January 1st through January 15th, all conversations that have been updated in any way in that time frame are a part of this bucket, excluding conversations that are marked as spam or have been deleted.Pro-tip: Hold your mouse over the title of most metrics in reports to see a tool tip that explains that metric right in the report!By the NumbersTotal ConversationsNumber of conversations touched (created, replied to, status changed, assigned, or workflow activated on).New ConversationsNumber of conversations created by customers or Users.CustomersNumber of customers with conversations created or updated in the specified time period. We calculate the Customers metric by unique email addresses writing into your Help Scout Account.Conversations per DayAverage number of new or updated (replied to, status changed, assigned, workflow activated on) conversations.Busiest DayDay of the week with the highest number of new conversations on average.Charts and GraphsPro-tip: Mouse over data points in the graphs to view tooltips with more detailed information.Volume By Channel (chart)Volume broken down by email, chat, or phone channels.New Conversations (chart)The number of new conversations started in your time frame across all channels.Busiest Time of Day (chart)The number of new conversations started by customers or users broken out by time of day.
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