AI Drafts - Help Scout Support

Description: NEW AI Drafts allows your team to leverage the power of OpenAI's GPT-4 to generate replies to your customers in a draft state, learning from previous conversati

Content: AI DraftsNEWAI Drafts allows your team to leverage the power of OpenAI's GPT-4 to generate replies to your customers in a draft state, learning from previous conversations and Docs articles in your Help Scout account. In one click, you'll have a high-quality draft ready to review, revise if needed, and send.Take a look atAI Drafts Billing and Pricingto learn how the billing for this feature works for accounts on a user-based billing plan. AI drafts is included with our contact-based billing plans.AI Drafts is available to all users on current Standard, Plus, and Pro plans.In this articleEnable or Disable AI DraftsUse AI DraftsManage AI DraftsEnable or Disable AI DraftsFree TrialOnce an Inbox has more than 100 past conversation replies, a free trial of the AI Drafts feature will be automatically enabled within your account on user-based plans. During this special trial period, users across your account will be able to try the feature right in the Inbox reply editor.Users must be in the Inbox and have theReply to Conversationpermission to be able to use AI Drafts.The free feature trial includes AI drafts on 100 unique conversations.When your free AI Drafts trial has ended, Account Owners and any users that have theManage billing and plan changespermission will be able to enable and manage the billing settings to continue using AI Drafts. SeeAccount Widebelow for the steps to access those settings.To turn AI Drafts off during the trial period, just disable the feature foreachInbox. SeePer Inboxbelow for the steps to do that.Account WideAccount Owners and any users that have theManage billing and plan changespermission can access these settings. SeeUser Roles and Permissionsfor more help there.Head toYour Plan >AI Draftsand toggle the switch underEnable AI Draftsto on or off across your entire account and all Inboxes.SeeManage AI Draftsbelow for more information on the other settings here.Account Owners will find an application called "AI Drafts Connection" in Your Profile > My Apps. Do not delete this, as it is necessary for the AI Drafts feature.Per InboxHead toManage > Inbox(es) > [Choose Your Inbox] > AI Draftsto enable or disable AI Drafts in each Inbox.SeePer Inbox Optionsbelow for more about the other settings you'll find here.Use AI DraftsClick theAI Draftquick link in the reply box to generate a draft. A modal will appear with the draft and the prompt to refine it if needed.Help Scout users can review and revise the draft as needed before sending, just like any other draft.Note: If you don’t see the AI Draft quick link, it means there isn't enough data to index in your account. You'll need about 100 conversation replies to start generating drafts.Enter Prompts to Use AI to Refine the DraftGenerate a draft using AI, and you'll see an option to improve the draft by using a custom prompt. This is your chance to tell the AI to add or remove something to the draft, change the tone, change the language, or even have it start over with a new approach.Experiment with different prompts to see different results. You can always use the original draft or any subsequent versions to choose to insert those — you don't have to use the most recent draft generated. Just scroll back up in the list of options and chooseInsertunder the draft you wish you use.Pro-tip:Keep in mind that with this prompt you are talking to the AI directly, so you'll need to be specific to get the results you're looking for, and it may take a little try and try again energy to find the right words. If you've never talked to one of the large language model AIs before, think of it as talking to someone who is very literal and sometimes will not understand what you mean, so you may need to clarify things multiple times.Below are a few tips and tricks for prompts you can try, but it's worth noting thatyour results may vary even with these suggestions, as working with AI is still very much an evolving technology.Ask For Additional InformationIf you want to use the original draft the AI offers, but add an additional ask for information, try starting your prompt with "also ask" and provide the additional questions to the AI. If youjusttell it to ask other questions without specifying that you want to ask thesein addition to the original, it is likely to replace the first draft with a new one, only asking the new questions.Provide Additional InformationThe AI may not include all of the things that you would in a response. Try prompting it to "also tell them" additional information to append to the response. If youjusttell it to give the additional information, that may be all the new draft will include, so including the wordalsoin your prompt is important.Translate to a Different LanguageIn most cases, the draft will match the language of the customer's email. To translate the draft to a different language, you can say "translate that to [language]". This prompt should work with any languages that OpenAI's ChatGPT-4 supports. Note: You may see unexpected behavior with RTL languages, so proceed with caution for those.Use Workflows to Generate AI DraftsCreate an automatic workflow that uses the actionGenerate an AI Draft, and any conversations that match your criteria will land in your queue with an draft ready for your team to work with.More about automatic workflows here:Automatic WorkflowsFor example, typically you'll have the same process for damaged orders in most cases, so AI Drafts can handle that question for you, no problem. Set your workflow to look for conversations that contain both the wordorderand the worddamagedand have it generate a draft using AI to give your team a quick head start on that conversation.Set the workflow to generate a draft on only the first email from the customer in the conversation by selectingOn the first conversation threadwhen defining the action. Set it to reply to every customer email in the conversation by selectingFor each subsequent thread.Use that action in a manual workflow to make it one of several actions your team can take at once.More about manual workflows here:Manual WorkflowsWe'll use damaged order inquiries as our example again, but maybe you have one person on your team that deals with orders damaged by shipper ABC and another team member that handles orders damaged by shipper XYZ, and you want the reply to come from the right team member for the shipper, but it's something someone will have to look up.Create a manual workflow for each shipper, and then when that conversation comes in, the person who first gets it looks up the shipper, runs the manual workflow for that shipper, and it assigns it to the right team member with a draft.Manage AI DraftsPer Inbox OptionsWe offer a few AI draft settings that can be uniquely configured for each Inbox. Head toManage > Inbox(es) > [Choose Your Inbox] > AI Draftsto change these settings.Account Owners and Administrators with permissions to an Inbox can manage these settings.TheEnable AI Draftstoggle determines whether a specific Inbox does, or does not have access to the AI drafts feature.Writing StyleChoose the Greeting and Closing you want to show in the AI-generated drafts within this Inbox.Choose from the following options for the greeting:Auto: The AI will choose a greeting based on past conversation data.Hi (name),: Always begin the conversation with Hi and the first name of the customer per their customer profile.Hello (name),: Always begin the conversation with Hello and the first name of the customer per their customer profile.No greetings: Skip a greeting.Custom: Define your own greeting. Insert (name) in the greeting to use the first name of the customer from their customer profile.Choose from the following options for the closing:Auto: The AI will choose a closing based on past conversation data.Best,: Always close the reply with Best,.Best regards,: Always close the reply with Best Regards,.No closing: Skip a closing.Custom: Define your own closing. Insert (name) in the closing to use the first name of the customer from their customer profile.Data SourcesEnable Docs content to improve the quality and accuracy of AI-generated drafts in each Inbox. Toggle this on to allow the AI to use your Docs content in addition to past replies to generate the AI Drafts.Select Docs site(s)Choose any or all of your Docs sites.Billing Options and Enable or Disable the Feature for All InboxesThis section applies to user-based billing plans only. AI Drafts is included with contact-based plans.Head to Your Plan and find the AI Drafts entry in your plan breakdown. Click the link that showsUp to [number]conversations there to review settings or make changes.Account Owners and any users that have theManage billing and plan changespermission can access these settings. SeeUser Roles and Permissionsfor more help there.AI Drafts OptionsCurrent TierThis section displays the tier of billing your account is currently on as well as how many conversations have used an AI draft so far in the billing period.Enable AI DraftsToggleEnable AI Draftsoff here to disable the feature.Spending LimitsChoose whether you'd like to automatically upgrade to the next tier if you reach the billing limit or set a hard limit that will stop drafts from being generated after it's reached each cycle. SeeAI Drafts Pricing and Billingfor more information.

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